With Blueshift's SMS Studio, you have the ability to personalize and tailor SMS and MMS messages to users throughout their customer journey, providing a superior customer experience. You can include a recommendation algorithm to automatically suggest products personalized for a customer. 

You can send the following types of messages with Blueshift's SMS creative studio:

  • SMS - send text messages to a mobile devices.
    • 2 way SMS - If you are using Sinch or Blueshift as your SMS provider, you can have 2-way SMS conversations with your customers. Note: You cannot have a 2-way conversation with MMS messages.
  • MMS - attach images, GIFs, and videos to the messages that you send. 

The SMS studio allows you to create SMS templates which you can then use in one or more campaigns to send personalized SMS notifications to your users. Blueshift allows you to easily clone SMS templates which you can then edit to create different versions of the original. If you have multiple accounts, you can also copy over SMS templates to a different account. Refer to Copy templates or assets to a different account for more information.

View SMS templates

You can view all your SMS templates by going to Templates > SMS on the left navigation panel. By default, you will only see the active templates but you can update the filter to see archived templates as well.

Add an SMS template

To add an SMS template, go to Templates > SMS and click +TEMPLATE

  • Select SMS to send a text message.
  • Select MMS to send a message with an attached media file.


Creative Studio for SMS

The SMS Studio is where you can find all the information for your SMS template.


You can view the following information from all the tabs:

  • SMS template name
  • The Editor type - SMS or MMS
  • Last saved date for template and author
  • SMS preview for the selected user

You can complete the following actions from all the tabs:

  • Select a preview user.
  • Use template options to clone, delete, and archive templates.

SMS Studio tabs

The various studio tabs provide options to configure the template.


When you launch the template editor, either to create a template or edit an existing one, the template opens to the Properties tab. You can view and specify the following basic template properties:

  • The template name
  • It's organization using tags and tag folders
  • Campaign behavior properties
  • Preview panel 


The Content tab is where you will design the SMS template. Here you will specify the text content of the SMS message template and add personalizations and recommendations as required. For an MMS message, you can add the link for the image, GIF, or video that is to be sent with the message.


From the Data tab, you can add data sources that you want to use in your content, for example recommendations, external fetch, and events.

Test Send

Send a test SMS to one or more phone numbers.

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