Before you use this message template in a campaign, you can test it in the following ways:

Note: To test dynamic content in your template that relies on campaign or adapter information, for example, link tracking parameters, you can test send a message from the trigger in the journey builder.

Preview template

A SMS message preview is generated for a specific user. 

Select user for preview

To select a user for preview, click the user selected and search for a user.

  • You can search for a user by their attributes or by a segment they are a member of.
  • Use the arrows to select the previous or next user from the search results.
  • The SMS preview is displayed for the user that you select.


Send a test SMS

To test what the text message looks like in real world use and to preview the personalized content, you can send a test SMS to multiple users from the Test Send tab of the SMS Studio.

To send the test SMS, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the phone numbers of the users to whom the test SMS is to be sent. Ensure that the phone number meets the required specifications.
  2. For Send using, select the adapter to use.
  3. Click Send. The preview SMS is sent for the selected preview user.


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