Copy templates or assets to a different account

When you create email, push, in-app, SMS, cloud app, external fetch, or live content templates, or add shared assets and images in one account, you can copy them to another account instead of creating or adding them again.

When you copy a template, any referenced shared assets, external fetches, recommendations, or images can also be copied to the destination account along with the template.



You can copy template or assets from one account to another only if both accounts have the same billing account.

Before you can copy assets from one account to another, you must have the following permissions:

  • You must have access to both the accounts.
  • You must have permissions to view, create, and edit the creative in both the accounts.


Consider the following points when you copy assets from one account to another:

  • Promo codes and products are not copied automatically from one account to another.
  • Template functionality is limited if it uses features that are available in one account but are not unavailable in the destination account.
  • Ensure that promo codes and products that your template references exist in the destination account, and the features that it uses are enabled in the destination account for the copied template to function properly.
  • If the assets already exist in the destination account, you can either create a clone for the assets or overwrite the assets.
  • Use caution when you overwrite assets. If you use the overwrite option when you copy assets and an image is updated, this might impact messages that were sent previously. Images are typically referenced by their URL. If you keep the same URL but change the actual image, customers who access a historical message will see the latest image. 

Copy templates or assets

To copy a template from one account to another, complete the following steps:

  1. On the index page that lists the templates or assets, go to the actions menu and click Copy To.


  2. In the Copy to Another Account dialog that opens, select the account to which the asset is to be copied to and click Next.


  3. If a template with the same name exists in the destination account, you can select one of the following options:
    • Clone the template: a copy of the template is saved in the destination account. You can specify a name for a cloned template.
    • Overwrite the existing template: the existing template is overwritten.


  4. If your template references shared assets, external fetches, recommendations, or images, the referenced assets are listed. If your template contains one or more of the following, a warning message is displayed:
    • A promo code that does not exist in the destination account.
    • A recommendation that refers a product, and the product does not exist in the destination account.
    • AMP content, however the AMP content feature is disabled in the destination account.
    • Custom plain text content, however the custom plain text content feature is disabled in the destination account.
  5. If any entity referenced in the template already exists in the destination account, you can select the following options:
    • Clone the entity: a copy of the entity is saved in the destination account and the copied template references the cloned entity. You can specify a name for the cloned entity.
    • Overwrite the existing entity: the existing entity is overwritten and the copied template references the overwritten entity.
    • Skip copying: the entity is not copied to the destination account and the copied template references the existing entity in the destination account.


  6. Click Next.

    The template is copied to the destination account and a confirmation message is displayed.

  7. Click Done to close the message or click View to see the copied template in the destination account.


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