Tagging is a Blueshift feature which you can use to organize your resources. You can define tag folders that contain various tags that are related to a particular theme or purpose.

For example, consider that a particular business unit in your organization does business in USA and China. For the business in China, you create a tag folder named "China" and for the business in USA, you create a tag folder named "USA". You want to send a newsletter to customers in both regions and so you create a tag called "newsletter" in both the "China" and "USA" tag folders. It is important to note that even though both tag folders contain a tag with the same name "newsletter", items that are tagged with "China" folder "newsletter" tag have no relation to items that are tagged with "USA" folder "newsletter" tag. 

View tag folders

To add or view Tag folders, go to the Account menu and click Tag Folders.


Here, you can manage your tag folders and get an overview of your tags.


Click a folder to see all the items tagged with that particular folder.


Add a tag folder and tags

To create a new folder, complete the following steps:

  1. Click + Folder on the Tag Folders index page.
  2. Add the folder name, description, and select a color for the folder. The folder name cannot be changed later, so choose wisely!
  3. Add the tags you want to associate with that tag folder.
  4. Select a purpose for the tag folder. You can select either organization or restriction as the purpose for the tag folder. By default, Organization is set as the purpose for a tag folder.

Note: Contact support@blueshift.com to enable the selection of a purpose for tag folders.


Organize and filter using tags

Once your account has some tag folders and tags, you can start tagging resources. Taggable resources include campaigns, templates, recommendations, segments and syndications.

To tag a resource, click Add tag folder in the edit view of the resource. Select a tag folder and then select the tags from the folder. 

For example, adding tags to a basic segment:


For example, adding tags to a campaign from the Properties tab of the campaign studio.


You can tag a resource with multiple tags from either the same tag folder or from different tag folders.


Bulk updating of tags

From the index page for an entity, you can update the tags for multiple entities. Select the entities and click Update Tags.


The Bulk Update Tags window lists the selected entities and shows the tags that are applied to the entities.


You can select tags to add and tags to remove. You can select tags from either the same tag folder or from different tag folders.

  • Tags to add - These tags are added to all selected entities.
  • Tags to remove - These tags are removed from the entities that have the tags applied.

Review the updated tags and click Update to apply the tags to the selected entities.


Filter by tags

When you search for a resource, you can filter the resources by tags.


Use multiple tags for filtering

When you use multiple tags to filter and search for a resource, the following logic applies:

  • Tags in one group are evaluated using AND logic.
  • Tags in different groups are evaluated using OR logic.

For example, consider the following tag folders and tags.

  • Folder 1: Name = Type, Tags = Candidate, Client
  • Folder 2: Name = Region, Tags = Canada, USA


Consider the following campaigns and the tags applied to them:

Campaign 1

Folder = Region, Tag = USA

Folder = Type, Tag = Candidate

Campaign 2

Folder = Region, Tag = USA

Folder = Type, Tag = Client

Campaign 3

Folder = Region, Tag = Canada

Folder = Type, Tag = Candidate, Client

Campaign 4

Folder = Region, Tag = Canada

Folder = Type, Tag = Client


Case 1:

  • On the Campaigns index page, filter campaigns by: Region = USA
  • Results: Campaign 1, Campaign 2


Case 2:

  • On the Campaigns index page, filter campaigns by: Region = USA OR Region = Canada
  • Results: Campaign 1, Campaign 2, Campaign 3, Campaign 4


Case 3:

  • On the Campaigns index page, filter campaigns by: Region = USA AND Region = Canada
  • Results: 0


Case 4:

  • On the Campaigns index page, filter campaigns by: Type = Candidate AND Type = Client
  • Results: Campaign 3


Case 5:

  • On the Campaigns index page, filter campaigns by: Type = Candidate OR Region = USA
  • Results: Campaign 1, Campaign 2, Campaign 3


Case 6:

  • On the Campaigns index page, filter campaigns by: Type = Candidate OR Region = USA OR Region = Canada
  • Results: Campaign 1, Campaign 2, Campaign 3, Campaign 4


Use tags for restriction

You can create tags to restrict the segments and adapters you can use in a campaign. For more information about this feature, see Tag based campaign restrictions.


This option is available only if the tag based campaign restrictions feature is enabled for your account. To enable the tag based campaign restrictions for your account, reach us on: support@blueshift.com.

Reporting based on tags

When you create a Campaign performance report in Insights reports, you can filter by Campaign Tags.

However, exported campaign activity data does not contain any tag information.

Tag-based access control

Tag-based access control allows you to restrict user permissions to specific entities, such as campaigns, segments, and templates, based on assigned tags. This feature is designed to streamline access management, ensuring users only interact with content relevant to their role or region. For detailed setup guidance, please refer to Custom roles.

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