The Campaign Execution Summary report is available on the Reports tab for completed one time and recurring campaigns and contains execution statistics. For recurring campaigns, it shows statistics for the last completed execution.

For one-time and recurring campaigns, in the Campaign properties > Monitoring preferences, you can specify the email addresses of people who should the receive campaign execution report summary. An email version of the execution summary report is sent to these users and contains information on the number of users who were messaged and the number of users who were skipped.


The following metrics are displayed in the report:

  • Total Users: Total number of users eligible for the campaign.
  • Messaged Users: Users who were sent messages.
  • Deduped Users: Users who were skipped because another user with the same email, phone number, or device was already messaged in the campaign.
  • Trigger Filters: Users who were skipped because they did not satisfy any of the trigger filter conditions.
  • Message Limits: Users who were skipped because of global or channel level messaging limits.
  • Missing Products: Users who were skipped because the recommendation returned no products or blocks with missing products.
  • Invalid Users: Users who were skipped over because they are missing required attributes or some of their attributes disqualify them from sending. Some examples include users who are missing an email, have unsubscribed, or have hard bounced.
  • Errored Users: Users who the campaign attempted to message but failed. These are usually due to connection issues or other sending issues with ESPs and external messaging platforms. 

For invalid users or users who were not messages due to some errors, the following metrics are displayed in the report:

Error Channel Description
Skipped: Missing User Data Email, SMS Users had missing data or were ineligible for messaging (or re-messaging).
Skipped: Bounced Users Email A previous message sent to users had bounced.
Skipped: Soft Bounced Email A previous message sent to users had a soft bounce.
Skipped: Reported Spam Email Users flagged a previous message as spam.
Skipped: Unsubscribed Email, SMS, Push, In-app Users unsubscribed from a previous message.
Skipped: Messaging Limits Email, SMS, Push, In-app Campaign hit messaging limits.
Skipped: Push Not Enabled Push Users haven’t enabled push notifications.
Skipped: Device Not Found Push No information is available on user's last active device.
Skipped: Device Tag Mismatch Push Users don’t have a device with matching tags.
Skipped: Platform Mismatch Push Users don’t have a device with the specified OS.
Skipped: Device Not Found Push, In-app Users don’t have any devices.
Skipped: Device Not Found Push, In-app Users don’t have any devices matching the adapter specifications.

Execution Summary Report

You can download the Campaign Execution Summary report. This gives an aggregate of campaign metrics and is only available for completed one time and recurring campaigns.


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