
Send and receive global SMS, MMS, and chat messages from any app, and ensure deliverability using intelligent delivery features that Twilio's APIs provide.

Supported message types

Blueshift's integration with Twilio supports both SMS and MMS messages.


For MMS messages, see the Twilio documentation to confirm which media types are supported and understand the file size limitations.

Tracked events

If you use Twilio integrated with Blueshift, we can track:

  • Sends
  • Delivered
  • Bounces (messages might not be delivered to a customer in-cases such as: your customer's phone is switched off or it's out of network coverage area)
  • Clicks
  • Unsubscribes/Subscribes

Note: You must first set up a webhook in Twillio so that Blueshift can receive unsubscribe/subscribe events.


Before you can set up integration with Blueshift, you must have your Twilio account set up.


It is important that all your customer phone numbers are saved in the E.164 standard.

Complete the following settings in Twilio before you set up integration with Blueshift:

Information required from Twilio for integration

  1. Sign in to your Twilio account.
  2. From the Dashboard, copy the Account SID and the Twilio phone number that you will use for the integration.


  3. Go to Account > Keys & Credentials > API keys & tokens and click Create API key.
  4. Copy the API key SID and API Secret. Ensure that you save the SID and Secret in a secure location since you cannot retrieve the Secret later.


  5. From the Dashboard, go to Messaging > Services. Create a Messaging Service and provide the Messaging Service SID or copy the Messaging Service SID of an existing service.


Automatic subscription management

When a customer responds to an SMS with an opt-out word (such as STOP, BLOCK, CANCEL, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, QUIT, or END), we automatically unsubscribe the customer from the SMS channel. Similarly, when a customer responds to an SMS with an opt-in word (START, YES, UNSTOP), we automatically subscribe the customer to the SMS Channel.

Automatic subscription management for the SMS channel is currently available only for Twilio. Subscribes and unsubscribes to the SMS channel are handled at customer level and we cannot attribute them to any template or campaign. For more information, see Unsubscribes for SMS.

To handle such requests from your customers, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Dashboard, go to Messaging > Services and select the messaging service that you are using for the integration with Blueshift.
  2. In the Integration settings, for Incoming Messages, select Send a webhook and specify https://api.getblueshift.com/api/v1/messaging_events/a6903a6b-279e-4035-a001-7ae8426e65df as the REQUEST URL.
  3. Save this configuration.


Set up integration

To set up Twilio integration with Blueshift, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Blueshift app, and click App Hub in the left navigation menu.
  2. Go to All Apps, search for, and select Twilio.
  3. You can also go to SMS Apps and select Twilio.
  4. Click Configure to view all the configured adapters.
  5. Click +ADAPTER to add an adapter.
  6. Add a Name for the adapter. If you have multiple adapters, the adapter name helps you to identify the integration.
  7. Provide the following details for integration that you saved from your Twilio account:


    Field Description
    From You can either provide an alphanumeric short code (that corresponds to your brand) or the Twilio phone number. 
    API Key SID Specify the API Key SID.
    API Secret  Provide the API Secret.
    Account SID The account SID for your Twilio project.
    Auth Token Provide the authentication token if you have one.
    Messaging Service SID The messaging service SID from Twilio.
    Status callback URL Leave this field blank.

    Enter the custom domain for shortened URLs.

    This is the domain that will be used to mask links for tracking purposes.

    The domain must be setup as a CNAME record in your DNS. The CNAME must map to either links.getblueshift.com (US or Rest of the world) or links.eu.blueshift.com (EU region) based on your Blueshift login region. SSL is required for any link masking domains.

    If you are unsure which domain to setup in your DNS please contact your CSM or support@getblueshift.com.

    For example, if you custom domain is hooli.com and the original link is hooli.com/product-updates/january-2023, the shortened link could look like hooli.com/4wesktjv.

  8. Click Save to add the adapter.

Next steps

  1. Create an SMS template for your messages.
  2. In your campaign journey, add an SMS trigger. On the SMS tab of the trigger, go to Send Settings and specify Twilio as the App and select the adapter that you just created.
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