If you are designing your email templates using a third party platform, you can still use the Email studio to include personalizations and recommendations. Simply upload your email template in HTML form along with all associated creatives to the HTML Email studio.


Before you upload your email assets to Blueshift, consider the following points:

  • The HTML asset and associated creatives must be in the form of a .zip file.
  • The maximum file size for the .zip file is 100MB.
  • The maximum number of image files that can be included in the zip is 200.
  • Each file in the .zip can have a maximum file size of 1MB.
  • Images in the .zip file that are referenced in the email are uploaded to Blueshift and the local image references in the uploaded HTML are replaced with corresponding URLs for the images.
    • Additional images in the .zip file that are not referenced in the email are not uploaded to Blueshift.
    • The image files should be present in the same relative path in the zip folder as referenced in the HTML file.
  • You can view the uploaded images by going to Templates > Images and searching for the images by their name.
    Note: Trying to upload the same image multiple times will lead to cloned copies of the image in Blueshift.
  • You can also reuse the images in other templates.

Upload assets to create an HTML template

Complete the following steps to upload assets to create an HTML template:

  1. Go to Templates > Email and click +TEMPLATE.
  2. Click File Upload.
  3. Add a template Name and select the .zip file that contains the assets.


  4. Click Upload.
    The HTML template is created. You can now edit it, add personalizations, recommendations and so on.



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