Blueshift offers built-in personalization and recommendation capabilities so that relevant, contextual, engaging content, offers, images, and recommendations are included in messages and adapted to each user's context to drive higher engagement and conversion. The personalization within the message is run in real-time and determined right before the message is sent to the user to ensure that the most accurate and relevant content is rendered within the message based on the user's most recent behavior, interaction, and interest.
Blueshift uses an open source templating language called Liquid to reference and create personalized content.
- You can use Liquid template language to personalize the content of the templates.
- The Liquid template language provides logical operators to control how you want to include user and recommendation content in your templates.
- For emails, you can also personalize the subject line and preheader of the email.
- Blueshift also provides additional custom filters that you can use in your templates.
Liquid is case-sensitive. You can use the upcase or downcase function in Liquid to make it case-insensitive.
Content for personalization
Messages can be personalized using the following content. To preview data for a specific user, ensure that you select a Preview user for the template.
Customer attributes | Insert customer specific attributes such as firstname, lastname, email, and other custom attributes that you have sent through the Identify event or by uploading customer attributes through the dashboard. |
Predictive attributes (User metrics) | Predictive scores and affinities that are associated with a customer's profile. |
Catalog recommendations |
Reference catalog variables such as product name, image, url, and so on, in your messages. To include recommendations in your template, see Activate recommendations. |
Catalog items without using recommendations |
Reference catalog items directly using the Blueshift custom Liquid function catalog_items. |
Event data | Refer to event specific variables in your messages. |
External Fetch | Use data from external sources in the form of a response to an API. |
Transaction data |
Refer to transaction specific variables in your messages. For more information about using transaction data for personalization, see Transaction data in event triggered campaigns and Transaction data in segment triggered campaigns. |
View template data
Go to the Data tab of the template to view the JSON of all the data that is available to include in the template.
The Data tab displays the data for the selected preview user. As such, ensure that you select the right Preview user for the template.
For more information, refer to the documentation for the specific messaging template.
Use Liquid to include personalization
You can include personalizations by referencing the object (the type of content) that you want to include in the messages. You can either manually include the HTML code for the objects or use the tools in the Visual Editor and HTML editor.
To include personalizations, add curly brackets to the code {{}} and add the content between the brackets. Blueshift templates include auto suggest options to help select the correct syntax and attributes.
For example: {{user.firstname}}, {{user.lastname}}
Ensure that the content of your Liquid expression does not include HTML tags enclosed in angular brackets, such as <a>, <p>, <ul>, and so on. If you use an HTML tag in your liquid expression, Blueshift’s template rendering engine fails to differentiate between the HTML tag and a string variable. This might result in an incorrect rendering of the template.
Personalizations in the email subject line
To include personalizations in the subject and preheader, add curly brackets to the code {{}} and click between the brackets. Select the required attribute or manually include the attribute or the Liquid expression between the brackets.
Personalizations in the Visual Editor
When you are creating templates for emails or for in-app messages using the Visual Editor, use the Insert Liquid menu in the Text Editor to add user specific attributes in the content.
To include any other personalizations, you must include the personalizations or expression between curly brackets {{}}.
For example, {{user_transaction.hotel_brand}} or {{recommendations.block1.products[0].title}}.
Personalizations in other studios
To add personalizations to the messaging template for SMS, push, in-app, cloud app, live content, or HTML email templates, add curly brackets to the code {{}} and click between the brackets. Select the required attribute to add to the template.
- In this example, the curly brackets {{}} are added after “Hello”.
- When you click between the brackets, the list of available attribute categories is displayed. In this example, the “user” category is selected.
- All the standard and extended/custom “user” attributes that are available for the user are displayed. In this example, ”user.firstname” is added to the template.
Personalization in email triggers
When you configure email triggers in your campaigns, you can specify a liquid variable with appropriate attributes to dynamically populate in the From Name, From Address, and Reply To Address fields.
For example, if you want the email to have your customer success manager's email address in the From Address field, you can specify the appropriate liquid variable in the trigger. When the email is sent, Blueshift uses the value of the variable in the From Address field of the email.