You can get near real-time views and reports from the campaign dashboard.

  • View, customize various statistics (users, impressions, clicks. etc) and see trends for specific time frames across all channels.
  • Export summary and detail level campaign data for specific time frames.
  • Separate views/stats for based on campaign status (launched, draft, paused, completed, all).
  • Filter by execution time.
    • The execution time filter window only filters campaign events within the main time window. So for reports to show any data, the execution time window should be a subset of the main time window.
    • When the Execution Time is set to All time, no filter is applied. 


  • You can filter goal events by execution time for events that occurred after Feb 2024. For all other campaign stats, you can use execution time filters for data after Aug 2023.
  • Filter by execution time is supported for push and in-app messages on Blueshift iOS SDK v2.4.3 onwards and Blueshift Android SDK v3.4.5 onwards.
  • For information about data limits, see Data retention for reporting.


View scheduled campaigns

Users can also view a calendar of scheduled one-time and recurring campaigns using the Scheduled Status filter.

  • By default, the Any Scheduled Status option is selected that lists all the launched campaigns (campaigns that are scheduled to run in the future, campaigns that are running, and campaigns that have completed a run).
  • Select the Scheduled option to filter all the launched one-time and recurring campaigns with a scheduled run in the future.
  • Sort the campaigns according to the next scheduled run using the Next Scheduled column.


Campaign Metrics

You can select up to 10 metrics (standard, custom goals or compound) to display in the dashboard. A popup will appear to let you select metrics you're interested in, as well as create your own compound metrics that are a ratio of two base metrics.

The metrics are defined at the account level. For example, if you rename a compound metric, the change will be reflected for all users in your account.


Overall Campaign Performance Reports

There are two types of reports available from within the Campaign Dashboard. Click the Export Data icon to download these reports.

  • Summary - Individual campaign level stats for the selected time period.
  • Detail - Individual campaign level stats broken down by each day of the selected time period.


You can access these reports on the campaign index screen, the campaign detail screen, and the trigger detail screen. When you filter campaigns by name on the campaign index screen and then export a campaign summary or detail report, the exported CSV file contains the data for only campaigns shown in the search results.


You can customize the order in which metrics are listed on the Campaign dashboard screen and in your Insights reports. For more information, see Metric Ordering.

Example of a Campaign Summary Report


Example of a Campaign Detail Report


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