
Snapchat is a well known social media platform with reach across the globe. You can use Snapchat advertising to reach Snapchat users. With Blueshift, you can create segments and syndicate Blueshift segments to Snapchat. You can target your ads in a more focused and personalized manner with the audience on Snapchat that matches the Blueshift segment.


This integration is available in all global regions.

Identifiers for customer matching

Blueshift uses multikey matching for audience syndication with AdRoll. Blueshift sends the following identifiers for customer matching:

  • Email address
  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Address (location)
  • Mobile Device ID

Rate limit

The rate limit for this syndication is 1M customers per hour.

Snapchat also has a rate limit of 100 requests/second.


Before you can set up integration with Blueshift, you must have your Snapchat Marketing account set up.

  1. Log into your Snapchat Marketing account. For the OAuth app, set the following:
  2. Note the following information required for integration with Blueshift:

Set up integration

To set up integration, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Blueshift app, and click App Hub in the left navigation menu.
  2. Go to All Apps, search for, and select Snapchat.
  3. You can also go to Advertising Apps and select Snapchat.
  4. Click Configure to view all the configured adapters.
  5. Click +ADAPTER to add an adapter.
  6. Add a Name for the adapter. If you have multiple adapters, the adapter name helps you to identify the integration.
  7. Provide the following details for integration:


    Field Description
    Ad Account ID Provide the Snapchat ad account ID.
    Client ID The Client ID for accessing Snapchat APIs.
    Client Secret The Client Secret for accessing Snapchat APIs.
  8. Click Log in to Snapchat.

  9. In the Authorization dialog that opens, click Authorize app to complete the integration.
  10. Click Save to add the adapter.

Next steps

After the integration is complete, set up the syndication. For more information, see Audience Syndications.

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