Deep links are links that send mobile users directly to a destination inside a mobile app. With Blueshift’s Deep Links, universal links on iOS and app links on Android, you can provide your customers with a seamless channel-to-app experiences. When you send a Blueshift deep link (http or https URL) in an SMS or an email and a customer clicks the link, both iOS and Android can launch your app and open a particular page in the app that is mapped to the link.
For example, a campaign email message from Blueshift contains a link to a product. When a user opens the email on a mobile device and clicks the link, the mobile operating system launches the app installed on the user's device and opens the product page in the app.
To use Deep links in your campaign messages, you must use Blueshift’s mobile SDKs.
When an email or SMS message is rendered, the Blueshift platform rewrites the URL and the path starts with /track or /z if the URL is shortened. If you set web-only="true", the URL is rewritten and its path starts with /web-only/track or /web-only/z.
For more information, see Blueshift’s iOS and Android SDKs.
For more information about setting up product URLs and domain mappings, contact
Opening links in browsers or other apps
If you want the linked page to open in the browser in the mobile device or in a third party app, add the attribute ‘web-only = true’ to your URL. When a user clicks the link, the mobile OS determines whether there is an app registered to open the link. If there is, it launches the app. Otherwise, it opens the link in a browser tab.
For example, if you want to link to a product URL but you don’t want the mobile device to launch the app when a customer clicks on the link, specify the link as:
<a href="{{url}}" web-only="true">Product URL (Liquid variable)</a>
Example use case to open product link in app
Let's use a basic example of an email template. Blueshift uses the liquid template language and html to create an email template. After you create your HTML email template, you can use liquid variables in the template to link an HTML element with the product. In this example, we have used a liquid variable in multiple places.
- The following liquid variable is used to include the URL for a product recommendation in the template: {{products[0].url}}.
- This liquid variable, {{products[0].url}}, is mapped to in Blueshift.
- When a user clicks this URL in an email, iOS or Android can directly open the linked page of your app instead of launching it in a browser.
For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
#main {
background: #fff; min-height: 400px; padding: 10px;
<div id="main">
<br/><a href="{{products[0].url}}">Product URL (Recommendation)</a>
{% assign url = products[1].url %}
<br/><a href="{{url}}">Product URL (Liquid variable)</a>
<br/><a href="">Product URL (Direct URL - Matilda)</a>
<br/><a href="{{products[2].url}}" bsft-no-track>Product URL (bsft-no-track)</a>
<br/><a href="">Blueshift Reads URL without Product path</a>
<br/><a href=""> (http without www)</a>
<br/><a href=""></a>
{% assign products_in_grid = products %}
<br/><br/><h2>Regular Product Grid </h2>
<shared_asset> bsft_generic_product_grid </shared_asset>