Dashboards are a collection of reports that you can customize based on your preferences and business requirements. You can create, edit, and view any number of custom dashboards, and can make those dashboards available across your organization.

When you create multiple reports tracking different metrics under a single screen, you can get a high level overview of how your marketing initiatives are impacting your business. For example, you can create dashboards that help you understand:

  • Your campaign funnel metrics
  • Which channels are driving revenue or other business goals
  • Impact of AI on your campaign funnel metrics or business goals
  • Deliverability of your email campaigns 

Out-of-the-box Dashboards

Your account comes with 4 pre-built dashboards that you can start using right away with minimal changes.Look for dashboards where the author is listed as Blueshift Admin

  • Campaign Performance: This dashboard shows standard campaign metrics likesends, opens,clicks, open rate, click rate, and so on. You can use this data to see which campaigns are performing well, and optimize campaigns that are not. 
  • Channel Performance: This dashboard provides information on which channels are driving purchases, revenues or other business goals. You can use this data to boost your business and optimize campaigns across channels that are generating revenue, and rework on campaigns for other channels. 
  • Deliverability: This dashboard will help you uncover deliverability issues with your email campaigns (if any). It provides information like soft and hard bounces, spam reports, bounce rates, spam rates etc. 
  • Usage and Impact of AI: This dashboard provides you with an analysis of how AI features like recommendations and send time optimization impacted your campaign metrics and business goals. You can use this information to optimize your campaigns and increase revenue. 

View Dashboards

Go to Insights > Dashboards in the left navigation to view all your dashboards.


Click a dashboard to view the chart and the metric comparison table. Click Edit to edit the dashboard.


Create and update dashboards

To add a dashboard, go to Insights > Dashboards in the left navigation. Click +DASHBOARD.


  1. Specify a name for the dashboard. 
  2. Click +Widget to add a widget.
  3. Select either a Chart, Table, or Text widget.
  • For a chart widget, select a chart from an existing report or add a new chart. 
  • For a table widget, select a table from an existing report or add a new table. 
  • For a text widget, add the text.
  • Save the widget.
  • If you have multiple widgets in the dashboard, you can move, resize, clone, and delete them.
  • Reference charts/tables in the widget

    When you add a chart widget or a table widget in the dashboard, you can reference a chart or table from an existing report in the widget.

    • An existing report is independent of a dashboard. You can reference it in other dashboards, and if you delete a dashboard, the report is not deleted. You can still see the report on the Insights Reports index page. 
    • If a report is modified, then widgets across all the dashboards that are created using this report get refreshed.

    Create new charts/tables in the widget

    You can add a new chart or table instead of referencing a chart or table from an existing report. For more information about creating charts and tables, see Insights Reports.

    • When you create a new chart or a new table from the widget, this action does not create a report, and the widget is tied to the dashboard. You cannot reuse the widget in another dashboard, and the underlying report is not available independently outside the dashboard. 
    • If you delete the dashboard, the widget is also deleted. 

    Apply filters to the dashboard

    A dashboard can have widgets with different timelines set. For example, you might have a chart widget that shows how many sends occurred over the last 90 days and a table widget that lists how many emails bounced in the last 60 days. 

    Use the Time filter to specify the time period for which you want to monitor the performance of your campaigns. The Time filter overrides the individual settings of all the widgets in the dashboard and uses a single timeline for all the widgets and hence keeps the data consistent. 

    Use the Filter options to take a look at the data specific to an entity of the campaign.

    For example, a dashboard and the widgets in it monitor the performance of campaigns that are aimed at users based in the San Francisco region. To monitor the performance of campaigns that are aimed at users based in Los Angeles, copy the dashboard and in the new dashboard select Campaign Segment as the filter and select the Los Angeles segment. 

    Data retention policy

    Blueshift's fair use policy sets forth Blueshift’s expectations for the fair use of our systems in order to protect the integrity and stability of our service. Exceeding these limits will incur additional costs. The data retention policy outlines how event data is indexed for segmentation. For more information, see Fair use and Data retention policy.

    For information about Blueshift's data retention policy, see Data retention for campaigns and Data retention for recommendations.

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