Event webhook callback Samples

Description and samples of event webhook callbacks.


  • account_uuid: ID of originating account
  • action: Delivered - action type
  • bucket_uuid: Unique identifier of account  S3 bucket
  • campaign_name: Campaign name in Blueshift
  • campaign_uuid: Campaign unique identifier
  • creative_name: Creative name in Blueshift
  • creative_uuid: Creative unique identifier
  • customer_id: Identifying information of user that did the action
  • email: Email address of user that did the action
  • event: Delivered
  • experiment_id:
  • message_uuid: Unique identifier of the message
  • sg_message_id: SendGrid unique message identifier
  • subject_line: Subject line of of message
  • transaction_uuid: Unique identifier of the event
  • trigger_name: Name of the triggered in Blueshift
  • trigger_timestamp: Timestamp in is08601 when user action happened
  • trigger_type: Type of Trigger related to webhook event
  • trigger_uuid: Trigger unique identifier
  • user_uuid: Unique UUID of the user in Blueshift
  • UTM*: Various UTM parameters corresponding to the campaign
"batch": [
"account_uuid": "29c7e612-be4d-4aae-a393-fe5ecabe4628",
"action": "delivered",
"bucket_uuid": "b45d0950-2650-4913-b904-887c3046ff2f",
"campaign_name": "Sample Campaign Webhook Sample",
"campaign_uuid": "b9714ca6-0564-4813-9f92-98d369615aaf",
"creative_name": "Webhook sample",
"creative_uuid": "1786c169-b1dc-44d6-9c02-f69c5896fac3",
"customer_id": "1234",
"email": "robert@getblueshift.com",
"event": "delivered",
"experiment_uuid": "17b282d2-3839-fb17-2736-f2083befe25d",
"message_uuid": "50bada3a-7c88-498d-a9d0-64725ae4113c",
"sg_message_id": "6tV6yAS9RxCCGkCuuwcFvg.filter0016p3iad2-29106-5C10B135-1B.0",
"subject_line": "This is sample webhook campaign",
"transaction_uuid": "923c695f-512a-4404-be7a-644d8292da04",
"trigger_name": "Send an email",
"trigger_timestamp": "2018-12-12T06:57:06.016Z",
"trigger_type": "EmailTrigger",
"trigger_uuid": "3b094944-5124-4474-9259-f2c08da33ad5",
"user_uuid": "d3d838fe-b88e-4b87-bf56-7416daed35cf",
"utm_campaign": "sample-campaign-webhook-sample",
"utm_content": "webhook-sample",
"utm_medium": "email",
"utm_source": "blueshift",
"utm_term": null


  • action: Opened - action type 
  • browser_platform: Browser that recorded the event (if applicable)
  • browser_type: Type of browser that recorded the event (if applicable)
  • bucket_uuid: Unique identifier of account  S3 bucket
  • campaign_exec_term:
  • campaign_name: Campaign name in Blueshift
  • campaign_uuid: Campaign unique identifier
  • creative_name: Creative name in Blueshift
  • creative_uuid: Creative unique identifier
  • customer_id: Identifying information of user that did the action
  • email: Email address of user that did the action
  • email_id: Unique identifier of the email
  • event: Opened - type of event that occurred.
  • experiment_id:
  • ip: IP message recipient
  • message_uuid: Unique identifier of the message
  • subject_line: Subject line of of message
  • transaction_uuid: Unique identifier of the event
  • trigger_name: Name of the triggered in Blueshift
  • trigger_timestamp: Timestamp in is08601 when user action happened
  • trigger_type: Type of Trigger related to webhook event
  • trigger_uuid: Trigger unique identifier
  • user_agent:
  • user_uuid: Unique UUID of the user in Blueshift
  • utm_*: Various UTM parameters corresponding to the campaign
"batch": [
"action": "open",
"browser_platform": "Windows",
"browser_type": "Firefox",
"bucket_uuid": "b45d0950-2650-4913-b904-887c3046ff2f",
"campaign_exec_term": "transactional",
"campaign_name": "Sample Campaign Webhook Sample",
"campaign_uuid": "b9714ca6-0564-4813-9f92-98d369615aaf",
"creative_name": "Webhook sample",
"creative_uuid": "1786c169-b1dc-44d6-9c02-f69c5896fac3",
"customer_id": "1234",
"email": "robert@getblueshift.com",
"email_id": "50bada3a-7c88-498d-a9d0-64725ae4113c",
"event": "open",
"experiment_uuid": "17b282d2-3839-fb17-2736-f2083befe25d",
"ip": "",
"message_uuid": "50bada3a-7c88-498d-a9d0-64725ae4113c",
"subject_line": "This is sample webhook campaign",
"transaction_uuid": "923c695f-512a-4404-be7a-644d8292da04",
"trigger_name": "Send an email",
"trigger_timestamp": "2018-12-12T06:58:31+00:00",
"trigger_type": "EmailTrigger",
"trigger_uuid": "3b094944-5124-4474-9259-f2c08da33ad5",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:11.0) Gecko Firefox/11.0 (via ggpht.com GoogleImageProxy)",
"user_uuid": "d3d838fe-b88e-4b87-bf56-7416daed35cf",
"utm_campaign": "sample-campaign-webhook-sample",
"utm_content": "webhook-sample",
"utm_medium": "email",
"utm_source": "blueshift",
"utm_term": null


  • action: clicked - action type 
  • bsft_click_uuid: Click unique identifier
  • bucket_uuid: Unique identifier of account  S3 bucket
  • campaign_exec_term:
  • campaign_name: Campaign name in Blueshift
  • campaign_uuid: Campaign unique identifier
  • creative_name: Creative name in Blueshift
  • creative_uuid: Creative unique identifier
  • customer_id: Identifying information of user that did the action
  • email: Email address of user that did the action
  • email_id: Unique identifier of the email
  • event: click - type of event that occurred.
  • experiment_id:
  • ip: IP of the end user
  • message_uuid: Unique identifier of the message
  • subject_line: Subject line of of message
  • transaction_uuid: Unique identifier of the event
  • trigger_name: Name of the triggered in Blueshift
  • trigger_timestamp: Timestamp in is08601 when user action happened
  • trigger_type: Type of Trigger related to webhook event
  • trigger_uuid: Trigger unique identifier
  • url: URL click if event originated from
  • user_agent:
  • user_uuid: Unique UUID of the user in Blueshift
  • utm_*: Various UTM parameters corresponding to the campaign
"batch": [
"action": "click",
"bsft_click_uuid": "7c623859-9b25-47d5-b15e-5089e1b323d5",
"bucket_uuid": "b45d0950-2650-4913-b904-887c3046ff2f",
"campaign_exec_term": "transactional",
"campaign_name": "Sample Campaign Webhook Sample",
"campaign_uuid": "b9714ca6-0564-4813-9f92-98d369615aaf",
"creative_name": "Webhook sample",
"creative_uuid": "1786c169-b1dc-44d6-9c02-f69c5896fac3",
"customer_id": "1234",
"email": "robert@getblueshift.com",
"email_id": "50bada3a-7c88-498d-a9d0-64725ae4113c",
"event": "click",
"experiment_uuid": "17b282d2-3839-fb17-2736-f2083befe25d",
"ip": null,
"message_uuid": "50bada3a-7c88-498d-a9d0-64725ae4113c",
"subject_line": "This is sample webhook campaign",
"transaction_uuid": "923c695f-512a-4404-be7a-644d8292da04",
"trigger_name": "Send an email",
"trigger_timestamp": "2018-12-12T06:58:35+00:00",
"trigger_type": "EmailTrigger",
"trigger_uuid": "3b094944-5124-4474-9259-f2c08da33ad5",
"url": "http://www.blueshift.com?bsft_eid=17b282d2-3839-fb17-2736-f2083befe25d&utm_campaign=sample-campaign-webhook-sample&utm_source=blueshift&utm_medium=email&utm_content=webhook-sample&bsft_clkid=7c623859-9b25-47d5-b15e-5089e1b323d5&bsft_uid=d3d838fe-b88e-4b87-bf56-7416daed35cf&bsft_mid=50bada3a-7c88-498d-a9d0-64725ae4113c&bsft_txnid=923c695f-512a-4404-be7a-644d8292da04",
"user_agent": null,
"user_uuid": "d3d838fe-b88e-4b87-bf56-7416daed35cf",
"utm_campaign": "sample-campaign-webhook-sample",
"utm_content": "webhook-sample",
"utm_medium": "email",
"utm_source": "blueshift",
"utm_term": null
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