Use Products from Custom Events in Recommendations

If you want to include products passed in a custom event in recommendations, you must first save the products from the event settings page.

Note: This configuration is only available for Admins.

To save the products from a custom event, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Customer Data > Events in the left navigation and select the custom event.


  2. On the custom event page, select Save Products.
  3. For Product Saving Mode, select one of the following options:
    • Replace Existing: Products sent in the last event payload will be saved and will replace any existing products.
    • Append to existing: In this mode you can save up to last 1000 products per event per user.
    • Save on timeline: Similar to Append to Existing in this mode you can save up to the last 1000 products per event per user but on a timeline so you can retrieve products based on start and end date range.
  4. Click Save.


Event A comes in @ 2pm today and contains prod_ids 2,3,4
Event A comes in @ 4pm today and contains prod_ids 5,6,7

  • Replace existing: For recommendations made at 5pm for Event A, prod_ids 5,6,7 are retrieved.
  • Append to existing: For recommendations made at at 5pm for Event A, prod_ids 2,3,4 5,6,7 are retrieved.
  • Save on timeline: prod_ids 2,3,4,5,6,7 from Event A are saved on a timeline. They can be retrieved in the studio by specifying the date range to filter on.


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