Building a template from scratch – A sample scenario


While not mandatory, we recommend reviewing the documentation on creating email and live content templates and our guide on using recommendations. These resources will help you maximize the Template Assistant’s capabilities and deliver personalized, dynamic content.

Step 1: Create a header section

Try the following prompt to create a header that stands out:

"Use a yellow background for the header and place this logo: inside a white circle to make it stand out. Add 'The Retro Furn Club' in bold black text, slightly larger for emphasis. Underneath, add the tagline 'The Sale is Back!' in a playful font with colors contrasting well against the yellow."


This will create a clean, vibrant header with a standout logo and bold, retro-style text.

Step 2: Add personalization

The below prompt can help you personalize the greeting:

"Start with a friendly greeting like 'Hi [customer name]!' or 'Hello there!' if no name is available. Follow with: 'Welcome back to The Retro Furn Club Sale! We’ve picked out some vintage treasures to bring retro flair to your home.' Keep the tone light and fun."


This will ensure your email feels personal and friendly, with a fallback if the user’s name is unavailable.

Step 3: Create product grids

Let’s assume that the product recommendation has two blocks of products.

For the first product recommendation block, use this prompt:

"Create a 'Top Retro Picks' section with four products from the first recommendation block displayed in a grid. Ensure the images are all the same size, no larger than 200x150 pixels, for a clean, uniform look. Add product names, prices, and a yellow 'Buy Now' button beneath each image."


This will generate a neat, uniform grid showcasing top product picks with consistent image sizes and clear calls to action.

For the second recommendation block, use the following prompt:

"Add a 'More Retro Finds' section with four more products from the second recommendation block displayed in the same grid format as the first block. Keep the images uniform in size, following the same 200x150 pixel dimensions. Add product names, prices, and matching yellow 'Buy Now' buttons to keep the style consistent."


This ensures that both product grids are consistent in size and style, giving your email a professional and cohesive look.

Step 4: Add a call to action (CTA)

For a solid call to action, try this prompt:

"Place a bold yellow button at the bottom that says 'Shop Groovy Deals Now!' Make the button large enough to grab attention. Below the button, include a small, simple 'Unsubscribe from these emails' link."


This creates a visually striking call-to-action button that will engage users and a clear, unobtrusive unsubscribe link.

🚀 Ready to explore?
Explore the AI Template Assistant to bring your ideas to life and uncover creative ways to refine your templates. Need help? Contact us for guidance or support anytime.

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