Blueshift uses an open source templating language called Liquid for inserting dynamic content in messages.

  • You can use logical conditions and loops in your HTML templates to control the content that is sent to the customers.
  • Conditional tags must be wrapped in {% %}.

Here are some examples of conditional logic. For more information, see the documentation for Liquid

if statement

Example: Use an if statement to greet a customer as “Hi there” if the first name is not available for the customer.

Hi {% if user.firstname == blank %}there 
{% else %}{{user.firstname | capitalize}} {% endif %}!

Example: Include a greeting in the customer’s preferred language. If the customer’s preferred language is not known or if the greeting is not available in the preferred language, use a specific language instead.

{% if user.locale == "fr" %}
  Bonjour {{user.firstname}}! Partez pour un Voyage Fantastique!
{% elsif user.locale == "es" %} Hola {{user.firstname}}! Embárcate en un viaje fantástico! {% else %} Hello {{user.firstname}}! Go on a Fantastic Voyage! {% endif %}

Example: Provide a discount offer based on customer tier or lifetime spend.

{% if user.lifetime_revenue  5000 %}
  Here's a sweet 30% off coupon for you! Use code A30W23 when you check out.
{% elsif user.lifetime_revenue  1000 %}
  Here's a sweet 20% off coupon for you! Use code B20W23 when you check out.
{% else %}
  Here's a sweet 10% off coupon for you! Use code C10W23 when you check out.
{% endif %}


  • When you compare the value of an attribute with an integer value, do not include double quotes.
    For example, {% if user.extended_attributes.graduation_year == 2020 %}
  • If you are comparing the value of an attribute with a string, include double quotes.
    For example, {% if user.last_location_city == “New York”  %}
  • For push and inapp studio, complex liquid with double quotes may not work. Use single quotes interchangeably
    For example, {% if user.last_location_city == ‘New York’  %}

for loop

You can use the for loop to display recommended products or to loop through attributes of a catalog item.

Example: Display all recommended items.

{% for product in recommendations.block1.products %}
  {{ product.title }}
{% endfor %}

Example: Display all recommended items sorted by the title.

{% assign sorted_products = recommendations.block1.products | sort: "title" %}
{% for product in sorted_products %}
  {{ product.title }}
{% endfor %}

Example: Display only 5 recommended items.

{% for product in recommendations.block1.products limit:5 %}
  {{ product.title }}
{% endfor %}

Example: Display all recommended items sorted by the title and display only 5

{% assign sorted_products = recommendations.block1.products | sort: "title" %}
{% for product in sorted_products limit: 5 %}
  {{ product.title }}
{% endfor %}


You can use this switch statement to execute a particular block of code when a variable has a specified value.

Example: The same example of displaying text based on the users preferred language can be done using case/when.

{% assign language = {{user.language}} %}
{% case language %}
  {% when "fr" %}
     Bonjour {{user.firstname}}! Partez pour un Voyage Fantastique!
  {% when "es" %}
     Hola {{user.firstname}}! Embárcate en un viaje fantástico!
  {% else %}
     Hello {{user.firstname}}! Go on a Fantastic Voyage!
{% endcase %}

Conditional display of rows in Visual Studio

When you design an email or in-app template using Visual Studio, the Display Condition feature lets you define a custom condition for a row so that the row is displayed only to users who meet the specified criteria. In this way, you can use a single template to target multiple audiences. For example, you can use conditional display of rows to implement localization.

  • Use Liquid syntax and personalization attributes to define the condition.
  • Add the Liquid expression for the condition in the Before field.
  • Add {% endif %} in the After field.

In the following example, a clothing sales promotion template contains promotions for both male and female customers.

  • The promotional content for female customers is in row 1 and the promotional content for male customers is in row 2.
  • Row 1 has the following display condition set: (condition = {% if user.gender == "female" %}). As such this row is displayed only for female customers and not for male customers.
  • Row 2 has the following display condition set: (condition = {% if user.gender == "male" %}). As such this row is displayed only for male customers and not for female customers.



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