A global control group is a percentage of all your customers who don't receive messages from a campaign and are used to measure the impact of running a campaign against a baseline of doing nothing.

Blueshift uses bsft_control_bucket to determine which customers will be a part of the global control group. In the Blueshift platform, all your customers are equally distributed in 100 buckets randomly. When your customer is added to the Blueshift platform, the bsft_control_bucket attribute is automatically attached to the customer's profile and its value is randomly set between 1-100. 

In the context of global control group, for example, if you choose to hold out 18% of all your users from all campaigns and syndications, users in bsft_control_buckets 1-18 will be a part of the global control group.

You can specify the global holdout percentage for your account from the Other Settings tab of the Account Settings page.



Once you set up a global control group for your account, you can disable it. However, you cannot update the global holdout percentage.


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