Shared assets allow you to easily reuse content across email templates, helping you maintain consistent content across multiple templates by reusing snippets of code.
When you reuse assets such as headers or footers across emails, any changes or updates you make to the shared asset are applied automatically across all templates that use the asset. You can also include user attributes, recommendation variables, and Liquid logic in shared assets.
Common use cases include:
- Header
- Footer
- Product grids
- Promotion banners
- Subject line
- Rich text
To keep the email code clean, you can combine shared assets by using one shared asset in another shared asset. This is referred to as nesting. The shared asset used in another shared asset is called a ‘nested shared asset.’
Contact to enable this feature for your account.
View shared assets
Navigate to Templates > Shared Assets from the left navigation panel to view the list of shared assets.
Blueshift currently supports the following three types of shared assets.
- Subject & preheader – plain text assets used in subject lines and preheader texts.
- HTML – HTML assets for email body.
- Rich text – rich text format assets for email body.
The asset types are covered in detail in the upcoming section, ‘Add and manage shared assets.’
Each shared asset list item has an ellipsis (three dots) menu, which appears on the right corner while scrolling over the item. This menu helps perform the following actions.
- Edit – for editing the shared asset.
- Clone – for cloning the shared asset.
- Remove – for deleting the shared asset.
- Lock/Unlock – for locking or unlocking the shared asset. Locking an asset will prevent other users from editing or deleting the asset.
- Archive/Unarchive – for archiving or unarchiving the shared asset.
Bulk actions
To perform a bulk action on the shared assets list, multi-select the shared assets you want by checking the boxes next to their names.
A floating menu displaying the number of selected items will appear at the bottom, offering the following bulk actions:
- Archive/unarchive – for archiving or unarchiving multiple shared assets.
- Update tags – for tagging the shared assets.
- Remove – for deleting the shared assets.
The bulk selection can be cleared by clicking Clear on the floating menu.
Important note on archiving and removing shared assets
Shared assets cannot be archived or removed if used in an active template or another shared asset (nested). If you try to archive or remove an actively used shared asset, the system will notify you. Also, you can no longer use them in any templates or revert them to an older version.
Search & filter
Shared assets are sorted by ‘Updated At’ in descending order by default, showing the most recently updated assets at the top. The list can also be manually sorted by clicking the other column headers like ‘Name,’ ‘Author,’ etcetera.
The shared asset name can be searched using the search bar to narrow the list.
Alternatively, the following filters can also be used:
- Author – select one or multiple authors.
- Asset type – whether rich text, HTML, or subject & preheader.
- Tags – select the reference tags.
- Status – active assets are displayed by default. You can view the archived assets by choosing the same.