Catalog Activity is created by combining the data from an event and the data from a product catalog item. Blueshift makes it easy to segment by user interactions with various parts of your product or content catalog for up to 183 Days.
To enable Catalog Activity for your account, contact and provide the following information:
Event List
We need a list of the events to be enabled for catalog activity. Ideal candidates would be:
- Events involving user interaction's with products (For example, add_to_cart, subscription, wishlist, and so on).
- Important events which you want to store for up to 1 year (For example, purchase, checkin, and so on).
Attributes from Event
List of attributes that you want to copy over from your source event. We only copy over the following attributes from the event when we create the catalog activity:
Event Attributes |
event name |
timestamp |
revenue |
Attributes from Item/Product
List of attributes that you want to copy over from your catalog when you pass in the product_id in your event. By default, we copy over the following attributes from the Item/Product when we create the catalog activity:
Item Attributes |
sku |
upc |
title |
msrp |
price |
cost |
category |
tags |
brand |
parent_sku |
The above item attributes are available only if the product_id is present in our catalog. If the product_id is not available we still create the catalog activity, but the above attributes will not be added to the generated event.
Attribute Aggregation
List of attribute values for which you want to enable aggregations will show up in the Segmentation dashboard. By default, we enable aggregations for category. Only values with low cardinality are good for aggregation.