Set Cloud app template properties

As you design your template, from the Properties tab of the Cloud App studio, you can edit the template name, organize it under tags/tag folders, and set the advanced configurations.

The Properties tab is also where you specify the API endpoint to which the message is to be sent and the adapter to use.


Adapter Settings

Add the API endpoint to which the message is to be sent and select the Adapter to use.

Unique Sent Identifier

Use the Unique Sent Identifier field under the Advanced Settings to prevent spamming a user. By default, this field is set to none. Set the “Unique Sent Identifier” field to a clear user identifier. 

For example, if the Cloud App sends out emails to users, then it should be set to “email”. If text messages are being sent, then it should be set to “phone number”. If there is no such field, it is a good practice to set it to “customer_id”, so that no customer in the database will be messaged twice.

For example, if you are sending a net promoter score (nps) survey to users through email and if the Unique Sent Identifier is set to email, then if there are multiple user accounts with the same email, it will only send an email to each email address once. If this field is set to none, it will send an email to all selected users, which might result in the same email address getting spammed by multiple copies of the same message.

In addition to preventing spams, setting the Unique Sent Identifier to email will catch users without emails early on and not attempt to send an email to those without email addresses.

HTTP Headers

Use the Advanced Settings to modify the default headers of the HTTP request. The default headers cannot be removed but you can change the value of these headers by adding an HTTP Header key-value pair. You can add multiple headers by clicking +HTTP Header.

The default headers are as follows:

  • User-Agent: Blueshift Webhook 1.0
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

If you are using a sample template, the HTTP Headers are already set correctly and you do not need to change them.

HTTP Method

This setting is available under the Advanced Settings. This refers to the HTTP method being used to make the API call. Blueshift’s Cloud App channel supports 4 HTTP methods: POST, PATCH, PUT, and GET. For a custom app, the default HTTP method is “POST”.

If you are using a sample template, the HTTP Method is already set correctly and you do not need to change it.

Send payload as a url encoded form

By default, the payload is sent as a JSON object with the “Content-Type” header in the request set to “application/json”. If you want the payload to be sent as a url encoded string with the “Content-Type” header as “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”, select this checkbox under the Advanced Settings.


Organize your marketing content by adding tags to your templates.


The Campaigns section shows any campaigns that use the template and the status of the campaigns that are using this template.

Campaign behavior properties

With campaign behavior properties, set the guidelines for using the template in a campaign. 

Skip messaging user, if any recommendation blocks are empty

The message is not sent to the user if any of the recommendations that you added in the template do not have any product recommendations.

Do not message the user if the external fetch encounters an error or does not return data

The message is not sent to the user if the API call used for fetching additional content for your email returns an error.

Skip messaging user, if any products in the event are missing from catalogs

The message is not sent to the user if any of the products that are tied to the triggering event are not available in the catalogs.

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